Israeli Airstrikes on Iran

It is clear that Biden’s people have been assisting the Israeli’s with their preparation for these airstrikes. Remain mindful that it was Israel’s seemingly deliberate inattention to its ordinarily fortified border that permitted the Palestinian attacks one year ago that set this whole chain of events in motion.

Given the fact that Iran is aligned with Russia and China, this is another step toward a potential World War III.

These airstrikes also come within eleven days of the presidential election. It was clear until now that Kamala Harris was going to lose the election in the absence of massive election fraud.

The socialists here in the United States needed something to “scramble the deck”. They needed an event that would somehow change the circumstances of the presidential election. They also wanted to show American Jews who possess an Israel First perspective that their party is worthy of support.

For years, these same socialists have tried to play both sides of the fence– i.e., currying favor with both the Jews and the Muslims. It was beginning to cost them heavily this year.

But I had been reading predictions, literally for months, that there would be some type of major event leading up to the election.

Will we see some type of major disruption somehow in connection with these attacks? Will this somehow assist the socialists? Remain mindful that we have large numbers of American forces in the Middle East who can be attacked, thereby drawing us into the conflict. Remain mindful that terror attacks– such as cyber attacks– could potentially be staged and/or launched in reaction.

Some Christians acutely interested in eschatology will interpret these events in the context of the end times. That is certainly possible.

Given what we know about the socialists and the Deep State, however, it seems another explanation might also be operative. These Israeli attacks– with our help– appear to be orchestrated and timed. And there is nothing in connection with these events that serves the interests of the American people.


4 thoughts on “Israeli Airstrikes on Iran

  1. “And there is nothing in connection with these events that serves the interests of the American people.”

    To a very large extent, the US taxpayer has funded Israel’s 76-year war with their neighbors. Israelis are less heavily taxed and less indebted than American taxpayers.

  2. Israel, therefore, would be well-advised, despite the shock, grief, and righteous repugnance, to measure its response and to think of the long term. It may “win” the war against Hamas, like the United States quickly defeated the Taliban and unseated Iraq’s dictator. Still, where it wants to be in twenty years should determine what it does next.

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