The Jeopardy game show was on the TV last night. Final Jeopardy at the end of the show posed an interesting clue.
The category was Roman Catholicism. The clue was something like this: “Event heralding the beginning of the church involving the Apostles and the Holy Spirit”.
One of the contestants was from Massachusetts, and the other from Texas. These were both contestants who had earlier in the show displayed a certain level of knowledge by responding correctly many times with various minutiae.
In response to the clue, one of them asked, What is Palm Sunday?
The other asked, What is All Soul’s Day?
Therein lies the problem. Their responses aptly illustrate why we are seeing all that has been happening to our country.
Give those contestants 6 Hail Marys
Ok, Fred, and I know you’re joking. They need a lot more than that. There are many others out there also.