Those Dead Due To Helene in Western NC

The Spectator:

(S)ources on the ground in North Carolina tell The Spectator that the true scope of the death and devastation wrought by the storm is not even close to being understood. In addition, the rescue and recovery efforts have been largely undertaken by private citizens, as the state and federal responses have been hamstrung by incompetent public officials.

“It’s so much worse than they’re saying,” said one individual who was in Asheville when Helene hit. “I think there’s a massive cover-up.”

A North Carolina official and former federal official confirmed that deaths have been severely undercounted thus far, partially because many bodies have not been recovered, but also because there are literally piles of the deceased who haven’t been identified and are being transported around the state to find open morgue space. Some North Carolinians have become so desperate that they are burying their own family members in their yards. 

“According to folks on the ground — fire, medical, law enforcement officials — they’re way underreporting the numbers. All the morgues are full and they’ve hauled a ton [of bodies] to Greensboro,” the state official said. “People are starting to bury them in their yards because they have no place to put them.” 

Locals are “pxxxxd” at the seemingly lackadaisical response from state and federal officials, and many are pointing the finger at General Major Todd Hunt, director of the North Carolina National Guard. According to social media posts from the North Carolina National Guard, troops were not activated until the Sunday after the storm hit. There were 5,500 national guardsmen deployed to the area; only 500 came from North Carolina’s guard...

The director of the North Carolina National Guard is appointed by the governor, and sources think it should be a no-brainer for Governor Roy Cooper to fire and replace Hunt. That has not happened. The Biden administration can also supersede the state response and federalize operations. That also has not happened…

(N)ow, some North Carolinians feel Hurricane Helene is an example of rural whites being left behind. More than 1,800 people were killed during Katrina; sources in North Carolina speculated that the death toll could be even higher from Helene when all is said and done…

The North Carolina official noted, “I went to ten different counties  … FEMA was very limited, mostly to local and state agency resources.”

North Carolinians were further slapped in the face when during the vice-presidential debate, the candidates were asked about the storm, but in the context of climate change rather than the emergency response. And, as The Spectator reported last week, as private citizens have reported being denied landing requests for rescue operations or having their medical and supplies tents shut down, progressive groups are busy fielding donations for abortion services for Hurricane Helene victims…

As the people of North Carolina and surrounding states work to recover from this mass tragedy, they will not soon forget how they were treated by their government.  


2 thoughts on “Those Dead Due To Helene in Western NC

    1. I don’t know what we can expect about that, Fred. I don’t know how many will still be trapped by roads that were damaged, and unable to vote; and how many voters at that point will be dead or missing.

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