“Evangelical Immigration Table”

This is the national group funded by George Soros pushing illegal immigration.

A quick visit to the website reveals that numerous evangelical institutions and leaders at the national level support this organization. Just click through the drop-down links provided to peruse who they are. You will find some surprises.

Moreover, you can scroll down and click to find the state signatories from North Carolina. You will find some surprises there also, including some familiar names.

The bottom line? Many are from the Southern Baptist, Church of the Nazarene and Wesleyan communities. But there are other denominations represented also. Seminaries , “charities” and para-church ministries are represented.

What astonishes is the sheer number of individuals and organizations within the evangelical community that have signed on to the Soros agenda. They have allowed themselves to be deceived and to be exploited by Soros in order to promote a nefarious scheme.
