Now They Admit Covid Response Caused Many Overdose Deaths

Every doctor in the country who has a DEA license to prescribe controlled substances must now take an 8 hour training course on the matter of opioid medications and substance use disorders. This is a gift from Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. The DEA, after all, resides with the US Department of Justice.

(Note of interest: our beloved commenter and friend, Fred Gregory, retired from the DEA after a noteworthy career of service.)

This requirement is in addition to the one hour of continuing education every year on the very same topic that has been required by the state of North Carolina for at least several years.

Last night, I began my DEA-required course. It is provided free of charge by an organization called PCSS under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS).

The course consisted of 8 online lectures. What was remarkable? First, two of them made definitive statements about the Covid era. For instance, one stated as fact that the social isolation, unemployment and economic stress led to much higher levels of overdose deaths– particularly among blacks and Native Americans. Black adolescents were particularly affected; and Hispanics were impacted to a lesser extent.

One speaker also mentioned much higher levels of depression during the Covid era.

It is fascinating to me that a grant administered by US DHHS produced training that taught us the Covid response engineered by the US DHHS caused numerous overdose deaths. Remember all those within DHHS– Fauci, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, the surgeon general’s office, etc.– and how they pushed to shut the country down.

One other unrelated, interesting factoid shared in the course? There are now twice as many overdose deaths as there are deaths due to gun violence. And yet the border remains wide open, and every opportunity is used to seize politically upon deaths due to gun violence.

In any case, I think we can presume the US government accepts the fact its Covid response caused many more overdose deaths.


4 thoughts on “Now They Admit Covid Response Caused Many Overdose Deaths

  1. “It is fascinating to me that a grant administered by US DHHS produced training that taught us the Covid response engineered by the US DHHS caused numerous overdose deaths.”

    Amen. Both your points very good.

    1. Thanks, Healey. Wonders never cease. When some of us pointed out during 2020 that the approaches taken were very harmful, there was much condemnation. It’s interesting to see how the passage of time– and the development of obvious consequences– generates a different message.

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