Big Changes at the Rhino Times

  1. Roy Carroll has sold the paper to Scott Yost.
  2. John Hammer has retired.

Yost is a moderate. The paper under Carroll took a turn toward the center, so this change was already underway.

Many of us will never forget the moxie and courage displayed by Hammer and Jerry Bledsoe with the publication of the epic “Cops in Black and White” series that chronicled the circumstances of the city of Greensboro pushing out police chief David Wray under false pretenses.

John Hammer deserves enormous credit for his many years of service and stewardship.


One thought on “Big Changes at the Rhino Times

  1. Yost is a first rate journalist and does a good job considering the format he has to work with. I hated it when they ceased publishing the hard copy.

    Yes John Hammer earned the gratitude of his readers and is owed a big thank you.

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