It’s Never Enough, Part 2

Last week, I had posted here about our local units of government incessantly grabbing for more money in various ways. A couple of additional examples arose this week.

The city of Greensboro is discussing raising the sales tax in order to have more bus routes and to provide a city service similar to Uber. The idea would be to make Greensboro a “car optional” city.

We also learn that the city is lusting after a 10 percent water rate increase.

Meanwhile, Skip Alston wants another sales tax increase to raise wages for employees of the school system. We are therefore talking about two different sales tax increases being discussed. Remain mindful that voters never approve sales tax increases.

Yes, whatever resources they have is never enough.


2 thoughts on “It’s Never Enough, Part 2

  1. Sale tax increases have historically voted down. I’ll bet that if it is put on the ballot that it will crash and burn.

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