Readers will recall that our Greensboro City Manager from Nigeria resigned earlier this week. Citizens were left puzzled as to what prompted the resignation. There had been the violent incident at his home and the city’s attempt to cover it up. A judge ordered the release of police body camera video. The City Council met in closed session earlier this week; and then he resigned almost immediately thereafter.
A couple of city council members said the resignation was due to a violation of city policy. But then the city of Greensboro issued a statement refuting that claim.
It has been an absolute mess.
Yesterday, a new piece of information emerged. Triad City Beat reported that the city manager resigned because of an investigation into a sexual harassment claim made against him. This was apparently unrelated to the violent incident at his home.
It might be advisable for the city to refrain from making diversity hires in the future.
I guess will will eventually know what happened. I give the City Council a vote of no confidence.
Perhaps a sexual harassment claim– whether it was legitimate or not– pushed them over the edge to force his resignation. Maybe it gave them the justification, at least in their eyes…