NC GOP Chair Will Be Trump’s “Achilles Heel”

Donald Trump has endorsed or appointed establishment GOP types many times. Recall that one of these is Michael Whatley– the NC GOP chair– who Trump wants to lead the Republican National Committee.

John Kane ran against Whatley for NC GOP Chair. The election was conducted by cell phone app and is widely suspected of being fraudulent. He was interviewed by Emerald Robinson (HT: Daily Haymaker). Kane predicts that Whatley will prove to be Trump’s Achilles heel:


6 thoughts on “NC GOP Chair Will Be Trump’s “Achilles Heel”

  1. Bill Barr, Christopher Wray, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Session, FDA head during Plandemic, Michael Cohen, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton…endorsed Tillis and Dr. Oz. His judgement along these lines isn’t his strong suit. It’s enough to make me glance at RFK, jr.

    1. I think some of Trump’s political endorsements are affected by the fact that he likes to endorse people he perceives are going to WIN their respective races. He doesn’t like to endorse and then have the person lose. (That doesn’t explain the Whatley endorsement, obviously.)

      But Healey, I understand your desire to look at RFK, Jr. He is great on some issues but awful on others. That is true for Trump also, at least to some extent.

  2. I am sick and tired of all this internecine squabbling. McDaniel had an awful record at the RNC in terms of results 20 and 22.

    Do you think Trump listens to those that tell him Whatley is a bad choice ?

    1. I agree, Fred, that McDaniel had an awful record. I hope Whatley will be an improvement (assuming he gets the job).

      Trump probably is uninterested in the warnings about Whatley. He has made his decision.

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