Remains of Aborted Babies

The below video is probably more than 30 years old. It expresses concern about finding the remains of thousands of aborted babies in a large trucking container behind a pathologist’s home in Los Angeles.

Which justifies more concern– the killing of thousands of innocent babies, or the cavalier manner in which babies who had already been killed are handled and disposed of?

Warning: the images are disturbing:


2 thoughts on “Remains of Aborted Babies

  1. What a gruesome scene. 17,000 murders, 30 years ago .

    Fast forward to 2023.

    A new report says abortions decreased dramatically in states that limited access, but the drop-off was made up for in other states that became havens for women seeking the procedure.

    After the Supreme Court took away guaranteed abortion rights in June 2022, anti-abortion groups hoped – and abortion-rights advocates feared – that access to abortion would be so severely restricted that women would abandon it as an option and continue with their unplanned or unwanted pregnancies.

    But in the roughly one year since the politics-shaking ruling was handed down, the number of abortions performed in the United States actually increased by 2,200, according to a report released Tuesday.

    The study by the Society of Family Planning, a group that supports access to abortion, found that abortions indeed did decrease dramatically in states that banned or greatly limited the ability to get an abortion.

    n the first 10 months of 2023, there were an estimated 878,000 abortions in the formal US health care system, 94% as many abortions as were provided in 2020 (930,000). Approximately 88,000 abortions have been provided in the formal health care system per month so far in 2023, so with two months of data yet to be published, it is very likely that the total number of abortions provided in 2023 will substantially exceed 2020 numbers. The actual increase in abortions is likely even larger than these numbers suggest because these counts do not include abortions occurring outside the formal health care system, which are likely to have increased substantially following the implementation of state bans and restrictions.

    Abortions in North Carolina declined sharply in July, after a 12-week ban and a medically unnecessary requirement for state-mandated counseling that forced patients to make two in-clinic appointments went into effect.

    It is sorta like whack-a-mole.

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