State Medical Society Does Not Oppose Transgender Treatments/ Surgeries for Minors

The bill in the North Carolina General Assembly that would make illegal transgender treatments and surgeries for minors was vetoed by our cultural Marxist governor, Roy Cooper. There will presumably be an override attempt, but it has been postponed.

You will find here a letter from the North Carolina Medical Society. The group explicitly declines taking a position on these “treatments”. Moreover, it pronounces its support for minors being able to give consent for certain types of medical services.

Minor consent was devised in part to deal with shielding kids from parental abuse or neglect under certain types of circumstances. During the current cultural moment, various forces are attempting to institute and justify minor consent for transgender treatments.

It must be noted that the vast majority of physicians are employed by hospital systems. That means the medical society often receives checks for member dues directly from the hospital systems and NOT from member physicians. The hospital systems at times cut the checks. State medical societies and the hospital systems have tended to be closely intertwined during recent years.

But it is at this particular kind of moment that an organization demonstrates its very nature. Unfortunately, the North Carolina Medical Society fails that test.


4 thoughts on “State Medical Society Does Not Oppose Transgender Treatments/ Surgeries for Minors

  1. If a patient goes to a physician with a mental illness-induced fantasy which completely controls his life, should the physician treat the mental illness, or mutilate the patient’s body to try and match the fantasy?

    This recent SCOTUS decision lets stand a 4th Circuit decision that transgenders are, under the law, mentally ill/disabled:

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