Biden Trying to Undermine Short-Term Health Insurance Plans

Obamacare has been a disaster. It caused the cost of health insurance to increase— not to decrease as was advertised.

Since Obamacare was enacted into law, there have been only two places one can seek lower cost private coverage– the Christian healthcare sharing ministries and short-term health insurance plans. Trump had made short-term insurance plans an even more viable alternative for lower cost coverage.

But now the Biden administration wants to ruin the short-term health insurance market. The bigger picture, of course, is that Biden has been a human wrecking ball in numerous areas, but this is the most recent example.

The Cato Institute reports further.


2 thoughts on “Biden Trying to Undermine Short-Term Health Insurance Plans

  1. The only smart thing Obama ever said was “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.”

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