Better News on the Raleigh GOP’s Response to the Transgender Mess

Last week, we posted here about a North Carolina House bill that sought to restrict transgender transition procedures and services for minors in public institutions. That was a positive, albeit limited bill.

There is better news this week. The North Carolina Senate has passed another bill, HB 808, that extends the prohibition on transgender procedures and services for minors to the private sector also. The bill also clarifies that minors cannot give consent for these procedures. This bill was re-written to reflect the concerns of citizens statewide and to strengthen it.

It is very important that the bill includes enforcement and penalties for violators.

It is now up to the NC House to pass the bill before it would head to Governor Cooper for an expected veto. Given the fact that the House GOP caucus is moderate– and the hospital systems’ shill, Donny Lambeth of Winston-Salem– has significant influence there, I don’t know whether the bill will pass in its present form; or whether the GOP would later have the votes to override Cooper’s anticipated veto.

Let’s hope and pray for the best. The premise that health care providers are currently empowered to mutilate and distort the anatomy and physiology of minors– and defy the design the Creator intended for these kids– in order to support the current cultural juggernaut ought to be anathema.


2 thoughts on “Better News on the Raleigh GOP’s Response to the Transgender Mess

  1. That is an encouraging announcement but as you say the future of this bill is uncertain.

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