Compelling Sermon on the Transgender Issue

The below video is of a sermon given at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, Virginia. The pastor is Gary Hamrick. Leesburg is the county seat for Loudon County– the site of the infamous school board meetings about which we had all heard. Loudon County is on the outer periphery of the Washington, DC metro area in northern Virginia.

Pastor Hamrick speaks about the transgender movement and what our response should be. The sermon is a bit lengthy, but it is outstanding. It is a great example of clergy illuminating congregations regarding cultural issues of concern (HT: Fred):


6 thoughts on “Compelling Sermon on the Transgender Issue

    1. This pastor is obviously a gifted speaker, and crafts his sermon skillfully, Fred. But it is truly a sign of a country circling the drain when a pastor has to give a sermon such as this.

      1. couldn’t agree more with this comment. As I watched last night, I somewhat cringed because in parts it sounded like a political rally. However, Im not saying the pastor was wrong….I just hate he has to say it on a Sunday morning.

        1. I felt the same way, Tommy, although one could argue that this sermon was in the spirit of the Black Robed Regiment, and is really what we need from pastors to help congregations understand what is going on around them. He relayed a great deal of information and context with which many were probably unaware. But he also related a considerable amount of scriptural truth.

          1. Well said, TC.
            He used real life, current, cultural influence, as his illustrations in contrast to biblical teaching. It doesn’t get more real than that….its as if the Bible is living and active, who’d have thought….

          2. Thanks, Tommy. I found it interesting that the sermon was given in the very same county where a father appeared before a school board upset because his daughter had been sexually assaulted by a transgender in a female space at school, and then the father was labeled as the problem.

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