Forsyth Tech Features Drag Queen Straddling Young Girl

Fox News reports that a LGBTQ pride event took place at Forsyth Tech last week. During this event a drag queen was reported to have straddled a young girl, and was “appearing to give a lap dance”. Multiple adults were reported to be “laughing and watching”.

Just as in the case of GTCC, high school students attend there to get college credit early, as the Fox News website points out. There is, for instance, a Middle College program.

This is an important moment– indeed, a defining moment– for Christians and conservatives in Forsyth County and Winston-Salem.

Schools such as Forsyth Tech need to know that this type of activity will not be tolerated. Your tax dollars support that school. If this incident is tolerated without protest, you can expect more of the same. In fact, you can expect worse.


2 thoughts on “Forsyth Tech Features Drag Queen Straddling Young Girl

  1. What do the state legislators from Forsyth think about this disgusting practice ? As you say they hold the purse-strings and it is their responsibility to do the spanking.

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