2 thoughts on ““World War III Solves a Lot of Problems” For Those in Charge

  1. Oh, I don’t think for a moment that a nuclear holocaust solves anything for anybody.

    But Biden is pushing Putin in ways that increases WWIII. For example the US provided the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) to Ukraine, but when that happened, nobody mentioned that we had to do the targeting for them. So we are more than having a proxy war. The US is this a participant in the Ukraine conflict

    1. They are apparently counting on Putin’s reluctance to strike, or his outright fear of his doing so. But they are playing with fire. I think Dowd was merely pointing out that war can provide other “benefits” that are convenient for the ruling class to access.

      Of course, it is theoretically possible Putin is already striking at us with all the incidents that are occurring within the US.

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