The answer to the problem is counterintuitive; and is directly in opposition to what most people want– i.e., insurance that pays for nearly everything. Which is exactly why we get so little and it costs so much. Free markets work. Maybe we should make doctors and hospitals compete for our […]
Tag: fascism
Beating the Drum For A Pro Hockey Rink in Greensboro, Part 2
I had posted here several days ago about the efforts of a Republican Guilford County Commissioner to promote local government building a new hockey rink/ arena for the professional hockey team in Greensboro. Of course, the Greensboro Coliseum is perfectly adequate for this purpose; so certain questions naturally arise. Why […]
NC Supreme Court Accepts Case Addressing Hospital System Monopolies
WRAL reports that the NC Supreme Court on Friday ordered a trial for a case that has enormous implications with regard to the monopolies granted to corporate hospital systems in the state of North Carolina. The main vehicle for their de facto monopoly status is the certificate of need law […]
Atrium Registering People To Vote
Recently, we learned that the electronic health record software used by many hospital systems— Epic– built in a capability to register patients to vote. It turns out that the Atrium hospital system, which has a major presence in the Triad, is among the parties engaging in this effort. The article […]
The State of Practicing Medicine
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty has a great article over at the Brownstone Institute that describes the revolution that has been taking place in the field of medicine. It is a revolution that places “managers” over physicians and their decisions on behalf of patients. He describes four key features or tenets of […]
Quite An Acknowledgment
Chris Cuomo is from a big democratic socialist family, and used to be heavily biased in favor of that party when he worked for CNN. Now, he is willing to speak certain truths. Perhaps the complications he experienced from the Covid vaccine changed his perspective: There is a reality at […]
Folwell Warning Regarding Hospital Systems
Dale Folwell, our State Treasurer, is nearing the end of his term. He is warning that the State Health Plan is running out of money. He talks about what the state’s hospital systems must do: In addition to hospitals abiding by President Biden and President Trump’s executive order on price […]
Cone Health’s Acquisition By The “HMO King”
We had a Friday afternoon news dump a few days ago. Cone Health is being acquired by Risant Health– a division of Kaiser Permanente. There are a few things to know about Kaiser. First, its home base is Oakland, California– a left wing cesspool. Second, its operations for many years […]
Greensboro Downtown Parking Garage: The Unreported Angle
We are told in the News and Record this morning that it is “about time”, according to Zack Matheny, that the February One Parking Deck is open. What is not reported in the article? This was built by the city after prolonged attempts by the owner of the adjacent property […]
Principalities and Powers, Pulling Strings
This young woman has an unusual facial expression, but I believe she accurately describes the designs that our elites have for us. The net outcome is a sharp reduction in standard of living and a concomitant reduction in liberty: