4 thoughts on “RFK Jr. on the Putin Interview

  1. That was fast but he is spot on. RFK Jr. is a voice of reason regarding this conflict.

    Sorry but Biden is on the wrong side of this issue.

  2. Thanks for posting this. In the Carlson interview, Putin was remarkably lacking in concision and barely showed an interest in making a cogent case for his actions. He did bring out the hostility the Neocon US ruling class has shown towards Russia since the Bushes in the absence of Russia being a real threat after the demise of the Soviet Union. But he really didn’t seem to view it as a PR opportunity, as I would have in his place I think. Interesting.

    1. Healey, it is sometimes a bit different to interpret the eastern European mindset, which is unlike what we have. What makes it even more difficult is that there is probably a bit of blarney mixed in with his statements.

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