Medical Establishment Pushes Globalist Control

There was a bit of news that I found fairly jarring.

It turns out that the editors of 200 medical journals worldwide conspired to publish the same editorial– nearly simultaneously– calling for the declaration of a global health emergency due to the “climate crisis”. In addition, the editors are calling for the involvement of the World Health Organization (WHO)– a United Nations agency– to pressure individual nations to take action.

Here in the United States, two leading establishment journals– the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)– both participated in this effort.

Dr. Peter McCullough recently stated in a video I posted here that the House of Medicine is on fire. He is absolutely correct.

Many of these journals are edited by progressive/socialist academicians.

I am increasingly of the opinion that folks who subvert our own country’s sovereignty ought to be prosecuted for treason. We learned during the pandemic about the abuse of emergency powers. In many respects, when the progressive/ socialist crowd whines about losing “our democracy”, they conveniently overlook the fact that globalism reduces the power of democratically elected representatives.


2 thoughts on “Medical Establishment Pushes Globalist Control

  1. What a joke. We should stay light years away from anything the WHO endorses.

    This climate crisis is overhyped.

    For goodness sakes look what Biden’s masters are doing,

    China Pledged to ‘Strictly Control’ Coal. The Opposite Happened.

    “China is planning to build 43 new coal-fired power plants and 18 new blast furnaces — equivalent to adding about 1.5% to its current annual emissions — according to a new report. The new projects were announced in the first half of this year despite the world’s largest polluter pledging to bring its emissions to a peak before 2030, and to make the country carbon neutral by 2060.”

    Well so much for taking away you gas range.

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