Here is a fascinating parallel.
An appeals court found unanimously last week that the city of Washington, D.C. acted improperly when it targeted pro-life activists during Covid-19 but not Black Lives Matter protesters.
It might seem ironic, but something very similar happened in the city of Greensboro. The city arrested pro-life activists but openly encouraged Black Lives Matter protests. And the city lost in court on that matter also.
On a matter that is somewhat related, local socialists recently complained about conservatives waging culture wars in the classroom. But the pattern seems to be that it is their side that initiates and wages the culture wars, and conservatives belatedly respond. Their side is protected by the criminal justice system, whereas conservatives are targeted by that same system. It is a bit difficult to sympathize with the left’s complaints regarding culture wars.
The Marxist agitators in the Peoples Republic of Greensboro always get the kid glove treatment.
They are presumed to be the VICTIMS, Fred. How could one possibly enforce the law and prosecute a victim?