2 thoughts on “Attempts to Get Trump A “Constitutional Crisis”

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgxN6b8EAgU

    Yes inching toward a banana Republic.

    From Scott Johnson:


    ” A Fulton County Georgia grand jury handed up an indictment of President Trump and 18 other staffers and lawyers including Mark Meadows, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and Sidney Powell in connection with the 2020 election. The sprawling indictment runs to 41 counts and 98 pages in all.

    Thirteen of the 41 counts charge Trump. A racketeering charge leads the indictment. Jonathan Turley comments: “District Attorney Fani Willis appears to have elected to charge everything and everyone and let God sort them out.” It’s too much to absorb in one sitting.

    The court clerk has posted the indictment here. It is a searchable document. Axios has also posted a searchable version of the indictment on DocumentCloud.

    As an innocent bystander, I generally find it hard to take the indictment seriously. It is more of the same, only more so and worse. Our descent into third-world disorder and chaos is picking up speed on the way down.

    Shortly after Reuters reported yesterday afternoon that the Case Information had been posted online, the court clerk’s office released a statement calling the Case Information document “fictitious.”

    Well, perhaps in a sense we have blundered onto the truth.

    Here is one disturbing thread reflected in numerous allegedly unlawful “Acts” set forth in the indictment (summary by Brittany Bernstein/NRO):

    On Sunday, CNN reported on text messages and other communications obtained by prosecutors in the Georgia probe that purportedly connect members of the former president’s legal team with a January 2021 voting-systems breach.

    “Just landed back in DC with the Mayor huge things starting to come together! Most immediately, we were just granted access — by written invitation! — to Coffee County’s systems. Yay!” reads one message from January 1, 2021, according to CNN. The message was sent in a group chat of colleagues from Sullivan Strickler, a law firm used by Trump’s team to review the voting systems in Coffee County, a rural Georgia county that Trump won by 70 percent.

    “The mayor” appears to refer to Trump’s then-lawyer, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

    That “written invitation” was reportedly authored by former Coffee County elections official Misty Hampton, who falsely told the Trump team in the days after the election that Dominion voting machines could “very easily” change votes from one candidate to another. A Trump campaign official asked Hampton in an email to “obtain as much information as possible” about the voting situation in the county.

    Hampton and elections official Cathy Latham ultimately appeared to help the Trump team access the Coffee County voting system, according to messages obtained by CNN. Surveillance footage reportedly shows Latham allowing unauthorized visitors to access the voting systems.

    Ms. Willis held a brief press conference just before midnight. In response to one of the few questions she took Willis emphatically professed ignorance regarding the posting of the Case Information by the clerk before the grand jury had voted the indictment. I don’t believe her.

    The late hour of the press conference put me in mind of George McGovern’s speech accepting the nomination of the assembled multitude to bear the Democratic standard against Richard Nixon in 1972. You may recall that the theme was “Come home, America.” It was the preface to an electoral wipeout and we can only hope that Miss Fani’s project suffers a similar fate one way or another.

    McGovern’s theme was essentially isolationist. Now we indeed need to come home. We need to come home to a restoration of America. It could be a powerful theme.

    I hesitate to say that Willis and all the rest of the Trump prosecutors don’t know the damage they are doing. They just don’t care. That much I can tell you.”

    1. Fred, Fani is a turkey, as you likely know.

      I heard today that she was asked during the press conference last night whether she had been coordinating with the DOJ Special Counsel, Jack Smith, in Washington, DC. She responded that she could not answer that question.

      And by refusing to answer it, she effectively admitted that she had been.

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