Eric Adams Putting Illegal Immigrants Closer to “Home”

Recall that New York City is a sanctuary city; and that GOP governors from places like Texas and Florida were diverting their illegals there. Mayor Eric Adams put them in luxury hotels for a time, but they are now spilling onto Manhattan streets because the hotels have run out of room. The city is placing them in various alternative locations; and Central Park was even discussed.

Now, Adams is trying to send them to a former assisted living facility in the Midland Beach section of Staten Island. This town is next door to the town within Staten Island where I grew up. In addition, my own mother spent part of her childhood living in the Midland Beach area.

The facility fronts on the road that runs along the beach facing the lower New York Bay. The beach to this day is used recreationally.

I had also seen reports of migrant facilities being set up in Brooklyn and outside of the city. Another had already been placed in another section of Staten Island.

It seems there is no escaping this contagion set off by Joe Biden and his puppeteer– Barack Obama.


2 thoughts on “Eric Adams Putting Illegal Immigrants Closer to “Home”

  1. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is trying to stem the flow of illegals but the sheer volume is overwhelming. Trump’s remain in Mexico policy was a good thing but Biden reversed it and now the hordes are descending on us.

    Yes Eric Adam’s is putting up these illegals in$400.00 a night luxury hotels such as the old Milford Plaza near Times Square, Theaters and the Port Authority. I stayed there 4 times , twice on business and twice with family. This was back in the 80s and 90s. It was a clean place with a free American breakfast . I understand that it has been refurbished . I’ll bet the immigrants will trash the rooms. Yup it is hard to avoid the pestilence of Biden’s open door immigration stratagem .

    1. We will have it here in Greensboro, Fred, courtesy of Kathy Manning and the crowd that ran the American Hebrew Academy. And there has been hardly a peep of opposition from our local government officials.

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