Greensboro Wants Tax Increase, Spends More than Comparable Durham

Greensboro and Durham are both left-wing cities awash in racial identity politics. They are of comparable size. But Greensboro spends lots more money than Durham does.

John Hammer, Rhino Times:

Durham, which is… growing much faster than Greensboro, is essentially the same size with a population of just under 292,000. While Durham has about 9,000 fewer people, its projected budget for 2023-2024 is $610 million compared to $749 million for Greensboro.  Durham is projecting no property tax increase this year and currently has a property tax rate of 55.77 cents – almost 10 cents lower than the projected tax rate for Greensboro

Durham provides its citizens with city services and pays police officers more for $139 million less per year than Greensboro.

The powers-that-be in Greensboro want to increase property taxes, and also increase the fees for water and sewer. We have seen these increased many times in the past. But we are to believe it is never enough.

After all, there are big agenda items, the most recent of which has been getting into the public charity business helping people buy homes.


2 thoughts on “Greensboro Wants Tax Increase, Spends More than Comparable Durham

  1. The Peoples Republic of Greensboro is a habitually tax and spin hell hole.

    1. Besides the new charity programs, the big ticket items have been Parks and Rec; and also Coliseum-related operating expenses and debt including but not limited to the aquatic center and the Tanger Center.

      And they have huge amounts of water-related revenue coming in!

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