Great Article on Victoria Nuland’s Central Role in Ukraine/ Russia

This article at Revolver News explains some of the sordid history behind the war in Ukraine.

A central figure is Victoria Nuland– a State Department official married to neoconservative Robert Kagan who was among those who initially pushed the war in Iraq. She happens to be a Jewish woman who has been part of the administrations of both Barack Obama and Joe Biden. But a couple of other important figures are mentioned in the article also, which discusses (among other things) the instigation of color revolutions in Ukraine and elsewhere; and the deliberate sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline.

I encourage reading the article and viewing the videos embedded within it.


2 thoughts on “Great Article on Victoria Nuland’s Central Role in Ukraine/ Russia

  1. Nuland is bad news. The only way to rid ourselves of her treachery is to change the occupant of the White House.

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