The Asbury University Revival

This spontaneous event has been ongoing for more than a week, and has been continuous. Folks have traveled to the campus in Kentucky from all over the world to participate and to witness it.

Students and many others have been filling the church on campus, singing praise songs and lifting up their hands.

If people are being brought closer to the Lord in genuine faith and repentance, and the Bible is being honored, then this is a wonderful thing.

I know that there have been some detractors. But I think we need to give many of these college students the benefit of the doubt, and celebrate what they are doing. They have committed themselves to something much bigger than themselves, at least for a time. We need revival; and their generation has felt the full impact of the dark age in which we live:


5 thoughts on “The Asbury University Revival

  1. Revivals are a good thing. They are for a believer a renewal of a persons faith. Asbury is no stranger to revivals . They have been occurring there for over a hundred years. A revival has historically been a movement to reawaken the spiritual passion . This one is doing just that. God is not dead.

  2. I have live-streamed the “revival” numerous times and have yet to hear preaching. Just saying….I will take the wait and see position.

  3. Tommy, my understanding is that the revival is light on preaching, and the preaching that takes place is often in the form of personal testimonies.

    I am a bit familiar with this school which has Wesleyan/ Methodist roots and connections. My understanding is that it had been one of the more conservative/evangelical schools within that tradition, although there is significant potential for junk also. There is no question about that. We have seen that in Southern Baptist schools also during recent years. I don’t think we have seen comparably large revivals arise or get planned in Baptist schools during recent years.

    If this has led to genuine repentance and conversion and commitments of faith, then I am glad this occurred. It is encouraging, at least on some level, that so many of their students wanted to do this, because that is atypical for liberal mainline denominational traditions. But this school does not appear to fit that mold completely, although there may be some “junk”, as noted above.

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