It was not slavery. Philip Leigh, Abbeville Institute: (T)he North was more dependent upon the domestic economy than was the South. In 1860 Southern exports totaled $214 million as compared to only $47 million from the North. Moreover, the nation’s largest manufacturing industry, cotton textiles, was concentrated in New England […]
Tag: Confederacy
Bonnie Blue Flag
HT: NC Renegade
When the Southern Italians Helped the Confederates
Boyd Cathey is a North Carolina treasure. He tells a story over at the Abbeville Institute blog of which many are unaware. Long term readers might recall that I had written previously about the kingdom that existed in Southern Italy prior to the 1860’s. It was the Kingdom of the […]
Expunging the Confederacy from History is a Huge Mistake
Clyde Wilson is a Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina. In my opinion, he is a regional treasure. I am taking the liberty of republishing here his article at the Abbeville Institute blog titled, “Our Hate Confederates Moment“: The Confederacy makes up a sizable and interesting […]